The Story Of Wrestling #6: Kazuchika Okada is the Next Super Villain/Heel of AEW, Mattew and Nicholas Jackson are Cartoonish

From AEW and Wrestlereview

Welcome to The Story Of Wrestling, a blog series about storylines and characters from pro wrestling. In movies, if you love action more than the story, you’ll love AEW. If you love stories more than the action, you’ll love WWE.

The EVPs of AEW

Let’s talk about the March 6 episode of AEW Dynamite. The Young Bucks come out from the new AEW set. They want to be addressed as Matthew and Nicholas Jackson now. Their characters are smarmy douchebag EVPs, they are real-life EVPs of AEW. They wore cheezy suits like fake gurus or networking “billionaires” you see online. Their music is also more serious and menacing.

Tony Schiavone congratulated them with the entrance after the a$$ kicking they took from Sting’s Last Match during the weekend. Nicholas Jackson grabbed the mic from Tony and yelled at him to get out of the ring. Nicholas accused Sting and Darby of cheating. He said that Sting brought his friends from the retirement home (wrestling legends) and his kids, who are 6 foot 8 and 305 pounds. He then shouted that they ended Sting’s career forever, loud boos from the crowd. Nicholas also announced the tag team tournament for the Tag Titles, and they put themselves in it.

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From AEW YouTube Channel

Matthew Jackson began talking and said that they had two agendas today. First Agenda: They suspended Hangman Adam Page from the Elite. No pay. Matthew Jackson is acting like this is a hard decision, but it feels insincere. Second Agenda: Matthey is acting like this is a harder decision. He is insincerely acting emotional. Kenny Omega is their friend. They said Omega missed his dates for no good reason. Everyone knows Kenny Omega in real life is suffering from diverticulitis. BTW, I’m praying he gets well soon. Matthew announced that Kenny was fired from The Elite.

The EVP characters feel cheezy and cartoonish. Jim Cornette has compared them to Nickelodeon cartoons. I feel the same way. I feel like they are villains from the 90s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Compare that to the current Bloodling storyline with The Rock, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes, and Seth Rollings, which feels like Game of Thrones or The Godfather.

Eddie Kingston Feels Real

Eddie Kingston’s music plays to interrupt the EVPs. I like Eddie. He is the everyman of AEW. He is the Tom Hanks of AEW. Upon entering the ring, he even pointed out that he was wearing sweatpants and Timbs or Timberland work boots. He talks like a real person. He is not cheezy or cartoonish. Eddie Kingston is like a character from The Bear from Hulu. Eddie wants to fight now but Matthew urges him to talk off camera. But then Nicholas grabbed Eddie. I fight broke loose. And then Matthew gave Eddie a low blow. Nicholas then superkicked a kneeling Eddie, who was already in pain. I like this one. Those great heel/villain moves by the EVPs.

They grabbed both arms of a kneeling Eddie to signal the EVP Trigger. We then hear the iconic coin drop. The music of Kazuchica Okada plays. Huge pop from the crowd as Okada enters. Paper bills rain all over him, he is “The Rainmaker.”

From AEW YouTube Channel

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The Rainmaker is All Elite

I’m not a fan of New Japan Pro Wrestling. I do know about Okada. I know he is a big deal in NJPW. He even married an actress/singer. I watched his first match as an official AEW superstar last March 9, AEW Collision. He was presented as a careful and methodical pro-wrestling master who could win matches that felt effortless to him.

Going back to Dynamite, Okada enters the ring as we hear “Okada” chants from the crowd. Suddenly, Okada grabbed Kingston and hit him with a Rainmaker! That’s Okada’s finisher, a devastating clothesline. The Rainmaker move is legendary. He used it several times to finish matches with Japanese pro wrestling legends and AEW superstars. This will be a controversial, maybe even sacrilegious opinion for you Okada fans. I’m sorry in advance. But I feel like JBL’s Clothesline From Hell looks more devastating than the Rainmaker. Just one man’s opinion. And I acknowledge that Okada’s Rainmaker is more legendary than JBL’s clothesline.

The Next Super Villain/Heel of AEW

After the Rainmaker, Okada had that menacing look at the camera. Nicholas then announced that he was the newest member of the Elite. Kazuchika Okada is All Elite. I like this because the EVP’s are smarmy douchebag authority figures. What they need is a muscle to do the work for them. An enforcer. And who better than a legend who is a pro-wrestling master who can win matches effortlessly? Kazuchika Okada is the Next Super Villain/Heel of AEW. He doesn’t need to cheat, but he has the EVP’s would cheat for him if need be.

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From The Straits Times

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